Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Googley Church?

Jeff Jarvis has written a fascinating book called "What Would Google Do?" that explores Google's success as a sign of the ways in which people interact with institutions, organizations and businesses. He develops rules based on his observations of Google's practices, and applies them to sectors of business and public life, from education to the cable company, asking essentially, "What Would Google Do?"

Dan Mulhall and I began talking in an email one day about Jarvis' insights, and before long we began asking ourselves what would happen if Church leaders learned from social observers like Jarvis as we develop pastoral practice now and in the future? Our conversation led us to write an article that will appear in the coming issue of Church magazine. We wrote the article hoping to foster conversation among pastoral leaders, and invite people to share their thoughts, hopes, concerns and dreams here, in this blog.

As we begin this new conversation, think about (and share, please, if you would) what you believe contributes to parish life that fosters discipleship lived in mission. There are many studies that point to various elements of our communal life together. One or more of them may have made a real difference in your thinking or practice. Share your thoughts and experiences here. Dan and I will pepper the conversation in the next few weeks with our own thoughts. What do you think?