Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Whole Parish

Almost a year ago, my husband, daughter and I moved to Indianapolis; my husband changed offices within the same company, but of course the people and projects here are different from those that were part of his life in Cincinnati; our daughter began college; we found a smaller house with less yard to maintain, but a third-car garage for Steve's woodshop; I left the staff of the parish that had been my life for the last twelve years, and began writing and speaking full-time. We have experienced much change, most of it good; we have found the truth in the fact that "good stress" is still stress; and I have learned much about the role of the faith community in my life as a person, and as a person of ministry.

The General Directory for Catechesis says "The Christian community is in herself living catechesis." This past year has led me to a deeper appreciation of this statement. Our Catholic community life is rich and diverse; we experience the mysteries of God's love for us embodied in the flesh and blood of Christ in the Eucharist and the flesh and blood of the people who are the Body of Christ.

We who share responsibility for shaping life within our parish or diocese will do well to reflect on the formative nature of the community, and to find opportunities to enhance our life together as Christ's people, so that the whole parish may be a living witness to Christ's loving presence in our world.

What do you think? What does your experience tell you?

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